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Chad Valorosi, MSW/MBA

REACH Program Director
Ext. 2623

Chad has over 22 years of experience in the social services field. The last nine years have been as the REACH program director. He worked for six years as a foster care and adoption social worker within Aspiranet. Additionally, he has experience working at a  homeless shelter and parent education training agency, volunteered as a youth mentor through both AmeriCorps and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and been certified as a foster/guardian family.

Jade Yang, MSW

REACH Program Supervisor

Ext. 2627

Jade graduated from Fresno State with a Masters in Social Work in May of 2018. She has been working for our parent agency, Aspiranet, for several years and is now with our REACH Post-Adoption Program. Jade was a prior intern with the REACH program where she gained a passion for supporting families and children in understanding the complexities and uniqueness of adoption.


She also has experience in hospice care where she has assisted patients and their families in navigating through the trauma of grief and loss. She is able to utilize that experience to help adoptive families work towards healing and hope. Jade is also bilingual and is able to provide services to our Hmong-speaking families.

Fernando Aquino, MSW

REACH Social Worker

Ext. 2641

Fernando graduated from CSU Long Beach with a Masters in Social Work and joined the REACH team as a social worker in 2021. He has experience in working with families and individuals in a variety of settings. Fernando is bilingual and is able to provide services to Spanish-speaking families.

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