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Aspiranet REACH Fresno County

Adoption Support Program Services 

Aspiranet REACH Fresno County provides a host of services designed to strengthen and empower adoptive families.

Intake and Assessment

REACH provides services to individuals and families in Fresno County whose lives have been touched by adoption through child welfare. Once a REACH staff member has been contacted, an intake interview will be scheduled to evaluate the client’s concerns and available REACH services. REACH staff members assess each client’s specific concerns in order to provide appropriate adoption services.


Case Management and Advocacy

Adoption is more than a one-time event and the needs of adoptive families change over time. REACH offers case management services to help provide ongoing support and access to resources during difficult times and through unique challenges. REACH staff members are available to help families navigate complicated systems and help coordinate services, which can include advocating for the well-being and permanency of families.


Crisis Intervention and Support Counseling

Occasionally, adoptive families need immediate support to deal with a crisis situation. REACH staff members are Master’s level social workers trained to provide crisis counseling. Additionally, REACH provides support counseling and case management as needed. We understand that adoption is a lifelong process, consequently the need for adoption support services ebbs and flows over time.


Information and Referral

REACH staff members network with local child serving agencies and make referrals to: mental health providers familiar with adoption, Special Education Parent Liaisons from the Fresno County Office of Education, physicians, and other professionals.


Parent Support Group

REACH parent support groups are held regularly each month. Child care is provided and training hours are available. These groups are psycho-educational with the goal of providing parents a safe space and community to share adoption triumphs and challenges. 


Adopted Children's Support Group

Support groups for adopted children are scheduled according to the number of children who desire to participate and their ages. Parents meet concurrently to discuss their children’s developmental understanding of adoption.


Quarterly Newsletter

The REACH Fresno County newsletter is distributed on a quarterly basis. It includes adoption related articles, interviews with adoption professionals and families, book and film reviews, support group meeting dates and topics, and parenting information. 


REACH Lending Library

REACH offers an extensive collection of adoption related materials including books on adoptive parenting, talking with children and others about adoption, helping children adjust, and relative/kinship adoption. Additionally there are books for adopted youth and children, and various DVDs, videos, and other materials. Click here to see our list of books or call or visit our office to borrow items.


REACH Website

The REACH Fresno County website is designed to provide relevant adoption related information through resources, articles, upcoming community trainings and events, website links, and newsletters.

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